Friday, May 9, 2008

My first post

I believe one great photo or one great fun idea learned is worth so much.  Therefore,  this blog will attempt to bring to you one of the above each day (or as often as I can manage).

I'll share cool photographer's sites, great gear, contests, classes--whatever I feel will be of use to you or fun for you.

Let's get started.

I'm taking Aline Smithson's fine art class at Julia Dean School of Photography in Venice CA.  Aline is a gifted teacher and world class photographer.  Check her out at

The photo on the right was taken in Jerusalem and is a fence encircling a huge construction site.  The woman is a famous actor.  Or cardboard.  Yeah, cardboard.

See ya soon.

1 comment:

Catherine Just said...

nice blog phil! Thank you for sharing it with me. I look forward to seeing more.