Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ferris Wheels make all the difference

After a long day I decided to write a post and wax prophetic. But after trying to find a serious, good picture my mind kept saying "keep it light" and "not so serious tonite".

My searching the crazy organization of my hard drive led me to Ferris wheels at night on the Santa Monica Pier. Perfect for the mood I"m about tonite. Nothing says lighten up and don't take yourself so seriously like a Ferris wheel.

Hard to hate your neighbor if you're sitting next to him on a ferris wheel. Hard to be in a funk with your GF if you're riding in a ferris wheel. Hard to argue politics if your flying high in a ferris wheel.

But it sure is easy to relax, smile, laugh out loud, be in awe, and enjoy on one.

As always, click the pic to make it real big. Bigger is better when it comes to ferris wheels!

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